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Some of our Current or Past Projects:


Casting Calls America

Casting Calls America started as one regional casting call connection website and has quickly expanded to serve multiple reas at a regional level. CCA's sites focus on connecting talented actors to local filkmakers and producers. 
The launch of this service, including devleopment oversight and management, was done by the Rensa Group. We still assist in their public relation and proces flow management.

FitBody Fusion

Team FitBody Fusion is an NPC/IFBB contest prep team that is headed by experienced athletes that have competed at the highest level of competition that this sport has to offer. They are dedicated coaches that guide and direct team athletes to reach whatever goal they’ve set for themselves.
Rensa Group assists FBF with their process flow management and helped n their socal media development.


VidGage is a website plugin that allows a websites audience to interact with the content i a new way, with video comments. users can even comment or reply to a comment with another video comment. Vidgage also adds in a social element connecting a users commentary acros sites. 
VidGage is still in beta testing, but acepting beta test applications from website owners. Email kirk for more information.
Rensa Group handles public relations and management assistance for VidGage. 

FitBody Radio

The shows on FitBody Radio range from a weight loss focused fitness show (Weight Loss Warriors) to a show aimed at professional body fitness competitors (Fem-Fit-All). They even have a general fitness show  (FitBody Focused). 
The Rensa Group helped with app development, social media developemnt and consulted on overal operational startegy. 

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